
Meet Joanna – Sales and Logistics (Poland)

I appreciate all the opportunities to learn new things, and that we prioritize developing our skills.

Joanna Kamińska

Sales and Logistics Specialist
Workplace: JABS Sokółka, Poland
Seniority: 6 years

What do you do at JABS Group?

In my team, we work with both sales and logistics. We handle the documentation, follow orders in the system, and talk to a lot of people every day. Of course, it is important to provide good customer service.

What is it like working at the JABS Sokółka factory?

I am very happy working here. We have a good environment and a good atmosphere where we solve our tasks together. Our factory has a long and proud history, and it is well known throughout Poland for producing high-quality doors and windows. That makes me proud, as well.

I appreciate the opportunities to learn new things, and that we prioritize developing our skills. I have personally received training in how to handle customers and in language skills. The training also helps make sure that we all understand our core values, and that these are integrated into the way we do things. It creates a good sense of community and a solid starting point for working together.

Our more than 800 employees are spread across corporate HQ in Denmark and our manufacturing sites in Estonia, Poland and Romania. We currently sell our products in Austria, Denmark, Germany, Finland, Norway, Sweden and the UK.