
Meet Heddi - Operations (Estonia)

I collaborate with a wide range of colleagues and their drive for progress motivates me to give my best.

Heddi Tsukker

Production Software Specialist
Workplace: JABS Jõesuu, Estonia
Seniority: 14 years

What do you do at JABS Group?

My background is in accounting but for the past two years I have been a part of the Production Development Team. We work with our manufacturing software to optimize production and to improve the quality of our doors and windows.

What is it like working at the JABS Jõesuu factory?

I enjoy working at JABS Group. I am very grateful for the opportunities and challenges that my team and I have been given. I collaborate with a wide range of colleagues, and their drive for progress motivates me to give my best.

Effective teamwork is the key to success, and I know that I can count on my co-workers in relation to finding a solution to any challenge that comes our way.

Our manufacturing processes and technology are continuously improving, and I'm excited for what the future holds for JABS Group.

Our more than 800 employees are spread across corporate HQ in Denmark and our manufacturing sites in Estonia, Poland and Romania. We currently sell our products in Austria, Denmark, Germany, Finland, Norway, Sweden and the UK.