
Meet Maciej – Warehouse (Poland)

I’ve been working here for many years and have seen so many improvements and growth over the years.

Maciej Wierzbicki

Warehouse Foreman
Workplace: JABS Sokółka, Poland
Seniority: 26 years

What do you do at JABS Group?

I manage four people in the warehouse. We keep track of all components used in production, manage the stock, and pack our products before shipping to customers.

What is it like working at the JABS Sokółka factory?

I really love my job, and it is a good place to work. I have a lot of great colleagues and some interesting tasks and projects to do.

I have been working here for many years. I have seen so many improvements over the years and experienced the company grow. Today we can produce many different, complex products and offer consumers far more options.

I have worked in different departments, including technology, logistics, production, and quality. This has given me a good overall understanding of our business and production. At JABS Group, there is room for personal development and training, and my journey here has been exciting and fun.

Our more than 800 employees are spread across corporate HQ in Denmark and our manufacturing sites in Estonia, Poland and Romania. We currently sell our products in Austria, Denmark, Germany, Finland, Norway, Sweden and the UK.