
Meet Ana Maria - Operations (Romania)

I like working here. I like the work itself and the team I work with.

Ana Maria Vlad

Production Operator
Workplace: JABS Glodeni, Romania
Seniority: 5 years

What do you do at JABS Group?

I work at JABS Glodeni as Production Operator. I am part of the final stage in the production process, namely repairs.

What is it like working at the JABS Glodeni factory?

I like working here. I like the work itself and the team I work with.

Over time I have worked in several phases of the production line where it was needed. I enjoy learning and helping others. Now I teach and train new colleagues as one of my responsibilities.

Personally, I really want to do things well. That motivates me a lot. I strongly believe that you can overcome any difficulty you encounter if you go to the task with optimism and a problem-solving approach.

Our more than 800 employees are spread across corporate HQ in Denmark and our manufacturing sites in Estonia, Poland and Romania. We currently sell our products in Austria, Denmark, Germany, Finland, Norway, Sweden and the UK.