
Meet Sonja – Digital & Marketing (Denmark)

I work closely with the marketing team to ensure a common thread and solid campaigns that are adapted to specific cultures, market segments etc.

Saniye Sonja Öz

Marketing Coordinator
Workplace: JABS Group (Digital & Marketing), Denmark
Seniority: 1 year

What do you do at JABS Group?

My way into JABS Group started with me joining a consulting firm, LEAD THE TALENT. I was part of a three-month project that involved conducting market research in Sweden for JABS Group. LEAD THE TALENT is an agency that provides companies with a group of academics for a period of time. The group works for three months to solve a specific case chosen by the company. At the end of the LEAD THE TALENT project, I was offered a full-time position at JABS Group.

Today I work in marketing, and my position is Marketing Coordinator. I am in charge of all campaign coordination for all markets and brands. I work closely with the marketing team to ensure a common thread and solid campaigns that are adapted to specific cultures, market segments, content and so on.

What is it like working at JABS Group?

JABS Group is a company with an international mindset where the language and culture in our markets and within our different brands are always in focus.

We are made up of employees with many different cultures and backgrounds which creates new opportunities and ensures more perspectives.

We have a flat organizational structure, and that values social inclusion. The company offers exciting tasks that help to challenge employees positively.

JABS Group strives to ensure strong teamwork across departments and countries, and as a JABS Group employee, I look forward to helping us grow in our current markets as well as entering new markets with new languages and cultures.

Our more than 800 employees are spread across corporate HQ in Denmark and our manufacturing sites in Estonia, Poland and Romania. We currently sell our products in Austria, Denmark, Germany, Finland, Norway, Sweden and the UK.